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Why We Should Regulate AI Like We Do Drugs and Guns

Photo Illustration by Luis G. Rendon/The Daily Beast/Getty

Whether you like it or not, an AI probably brought you here.

You might have found this article on your Facebook feed, or stumbled on it in Google News. A friend of a friend of a friend might have posted it to Twitter that you saw in a retweet. No matter how you got here, this article was uniquely curated and delivered straight to you on a digital platter.

Mind you, the AI didn’t do this because of random luck. It did this because it knows you. In fact, it’s been watching you for years—watching every website you visit, every Google search, every Amazon purchase, every click and keystroke that makes up the pages of your digital story. In a lot of ways, algorithms probably know more about you than you do.

Read more at The Daily Beast.

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Source: Why We Should Regulate AI Like We Do Drugs and Guns

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